Mozilla shows Open Web Devices (OWD) UI in its new platform Boot to Gecko

Mozilla is trying hard to enter the mobile space with its own open mobile operating system, Boot to Gecko (B2G), and a neat UI demo surfaced recently. 

You might be wondering whether we really need yet another mobile platform, and while the answer isn’t immediately obvious, B2G does justify its existence by being completely open. Everything developed on it will be available on all platforms - there’s no platform-dependent code, and this is really what makes it stand out.

“The difference is that Boot to Gecko and the others is that Boot to Gecko is completely developed in the open and will run Web Apps that will run on any device. All the others require that you build apps with technology specific for them, whereas Web Apps is built with technologies that will run on any platform,” mozhacks explained on YouTube.

The Open Web Devices (OWD) user interface for B2G shows one possibility about the looks of the platform. The demonstration shows a version that is already somewhat polished and already allows placing phone calls.

B2G development is backed by Telefonica, and now Deutsche Telekom will also join in as the platform is gaining some traction. Check out some of the screenshots of the looks of B2G
