Important Keyboard Shortcut for Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Microsoft has released the Beta version (Consumer Preview) of windows 8 which is their new and upcoming operating system. As you also know that Windows 8 was basically designed for Touch Screen, So it came with a new interface and also in windows 8 beta version there is not any start menu, So many users are struggling to use it with Keyboard and Mouse.
Here in this post I am going to show you some Key board short-cuts for Windows 8 Consumer Preview which can help you to quickly access menus and different tasks a little bit faster.

Win + C:- Open Charms Menu
Win + Q:- Open Metro App Search Screen
Win + W:- Open System Settings Screen
Win + I:- Open Setting Menu
Win + H:- Open Share Setting Panel
Win + D:- Open Old Windows Desktop
Win + X:- Open System Utility Settings Menu
Win + Z:- Opens the App Bar for the current Metro Application
Win + U:- Open Ease of Access Center
Win + Enter:- Open Narrator
Win + E:- Open Windows Explorer
Win + M:- Minimize All Applications
