Latest Google Chrome OS dev release now seeding, looks more like a regular platform

Looking at Chrome OS now will show you a browser and not much else. The latest release of the platform, which just started seeding to developers, is looking to change that, though.
There’s a taskbar, called shelf, and an app launcher, reminiscent of Apple’s Launchpad.
It all runs on the hardware-accelerated Aura window manager. It brings a refresh to the OS’s visuals and transitions. This shows a step away from simplicity and into usability, and should bring Chrome OS much closer to its rivals – Windows 7/8 and OS X.
The developer version of Chrome OS (build 19.0.1048.17) also brings support for new file types – tar, gz, and bzip2, better support for multiple monitor setups and updates to the music and video players.
The update in question is aimed at the Acer AC700 and Samsung Series 5 Chromebooks, while Cr-48 owners will be left in the dark at least for the time being.
Source | Via | Via
