Rovio's Amazing Alex launches this Thursday for iOS and Android

Can lightening strike twice in the same place? Game developer Rovio hopes so. After conquering the world with Angry Birds (and making huge amounts of cash in the process), Rovio's new Amazing Alex game launches Thursday from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. More platforms carrying the game will be announced later.

With 100 levels, 35 interactive objects and free updates, the game requires you to solve physics puzzles by creating complex chain reactions. The game was known as Casey's Contraptions and was developed by Mystery Coconut. But that company was purchased by Rovio which is applying to the game the same formula it used to make Angry Birds a world-wide phenomenon. That means there could be spin-offs and in-app purchases. There is speculation that the game will come with a level creator which would allow users to create their own level and share it with others.

source: Rovio via AndroidCentral
